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Reviews for Bankside Chase Corporation

Post jobs online that don't exist; rude; will sell your email address as soon as they have it; do not use.bill19/18/2002
They don't know what they are doing at all. If I could put 0 as their rating, I would have.Mongoose110/11/2002
Professional. Courteous. Placed me in my last 3 jobs and advanced my career. Noting that I spent the same amount of respect with them as they did me.Dale51/22/2003
It is funny how disgruntled job searches have bashed this agency. I and others I know have had nothing but a positive experience. We approached our search with a positive attitude and worked with the recruiters. It is pretty clear that the other commentary is based on a 1.5/10 job search skill level. Get with the program guys, recruiters don't work for you. You have to make it work for yourself. In short, you get out of it what you put into it.g103/29/2004

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