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Reviews for Abel Placement Consultants Inc.

nyrrissa silfavan51/9/2004
LOL! This is a good example of how a good idea of WRITING REVIEWS can be screwed up by human ignorance. :-)Mockingbird14/29/2004
Mr.Abel called me one day to review my resume and we talked. He said he would call if a position that was suitable for me came up. A month later he calls and says he has a position he wants to discuss and to call him back. I called that day but he was heading out for a vacation. He told me that if we didn't connect that day, to call him a week later. I called when he got back and left message after message and sent emails but recieved no reply. Zip. Guess something changed but he didn't have the courtesy to respond.stephen cox13/28/2005
please, kindly find me a good job in any formed of organisation,i am college graduate,from nigeriaADEBAYO OLATUNBOSUN47/12/2006

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